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Introduction of ATC and working Position

Revision as of 17:02, 28 September 2020 by 467787 (talk | contribs) (ATC Working Positions)



The Hong Kong Air Traffic Controllers are usually divided into Two Types which are Radar or Non-Radar Controllers. Controllers are either Tower Controllers or Radar Controllers.

  1. Tower Controllers
  2. Radar Controllers.

Radar Controllers include Departures, Approach, Terminal, and Enroute Radar Positions

The Three Main Streams are:

  1. Tower Stream
  2. Approach Stream
  3. Enroute Stream

These terminologies will be further discussed in the SPRAT course regarding their Area of Responsibility (AOR)

ATC Working Positions

Air traffic controllers in Hong Kong work in a team and their Position can mainly be divided into Tower Controllers and Radar Controllers. In the Aerodrome Tower Environment there are CDC,GMC,AMC,ZNC and FIS. The normal Flow of an Aircraft Departs from an Aerodrome and Land in an Aerodrome is as follows: This is an example of an aircraft departing VHHH

  1. Aircraft Contacts CDC for IFR clearance
  2. Aircraft Contacts GMC for Push back and Taxi clearance
  3. Aircraft Contacts AMC for Take off Clearance
  4. Aircraft Contacts DEP for Radar Services which includes Radar Identification and a Higher Altitude
  5. Aircraft Contacts EE for Radar Services, Higher Altitude and for radar separation if required

This is an example of an aircraft arriving VHHH from RCAA (Taiwan FIR)

  1. Aircraft Contacts EE for Radar Identification, STAR clearance
  2. Aircraft Contacts TMC for Flow control, Holding Patterns as aircraft approaches Hong Kong
  3. Aircraft Contacts APP for Sequencing, Radar Separation, Fine Speed Control, and Vectoring as Aircraft Enters APP airspace.
  4. Aircraft Contacts FAD during 0200-1000, For Finer Sequence inside the Corridor of the APP Path
  5. Aircraft Contacts AMC for Clearance to Land
  6. Aircraft Contacts GMC for Clearance to taxi to Bay

text here

Clearance Delivery Controller (CDC)

Ground Movement Controller (GMC)

Aerodrome Movement Controller (AMC)

Zone Controller (ZNC)

Flight Information Service (FIS)

Terminal Controller (TMC)

Enroute Executive (EE)

Planner (PLE)

Positions Frequency (MHz)
CDC 122.15
GMN 121.6
GMS 122.55
AMN 118.2
AMS 118.4
ZNC 120.6
FIS 121.0
DEP 123.8
DEH 122.0
APP 119.1
FAD 119.5


  • CDC previously used 121.9 but recently Changed to new frequency AIP SUPP 13/20
  • ATC Frequencies
    • For Enroute (HKAIP ENR 6.7 Hong Kong ATC Sector Boundaries Chart)

Air Traffic Management (ATM) and scopes

Divisions of Airspace

External links