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How to VFR in Hong Kong

877 bytes added, 16:08, 5 May 2020
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[ IVAO HQ Wiki]
== Regulations for Local Flights in Hong Kong 香港本地航班規例 ==
* Pilots are reminded that it is the direct responsibility of the pilot-in-command of an aircraft to avoid collision with other aircraft when flying under VFR, notwithstanding that the flight is being conducted on an ATC clearance.
* The pilot of a helicopter departing from any location within the Territory, except for Hong Kong International Airport, shall contact ATC immediately after lift off and inform them of their position and intentions.
* Prior approval should be obtained from ATC for any deviation from the published procedures due to adverse weather conditions, or operational necessity.
* ATC may waive such of these procedures as considered necessary under special circumstances, such as search and rescue operations.
* 飛行員應緊記,即使在ATC許可下進行飛行,飛行員也有負責避免在以目視飛行規則下飛行時與其他飛機相撞。
* 直升機從任何地區(除香港國際機場外的任何地方起飛),起飛後應立即與空中交通管制人員聯繫,並告知其位置和意圖。
* 直升機降落在地區(除香港國際機場外的任何地方),必須在降落到降落地點之前通知空中交通管制人員,並說明其意圖,包括地面停留的持續時間。
* 請所有飛行員注意本地飛行資訊地圖,當中詳細介紹了香港飛行情報區內的限制區域和危險區域。
* 如因惡劣的天氣條件或操作需要而要與已發布的程序有任何偏差,應事先獲得ATC的批准。
* 在特殊情況下,例如搜救行動,ATC可能會豁免必要的這些程序。

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